A dental bridge consists of a structure, made from metal, porcelain or ceramic, which supports an artificial tooth, or teeth, filling in any gaps left by the extraction of teeth. Like dental implants, a dental bridge is a permanent, fixed solution with a long lifespan – as long as there is proper care and maintenance.
The procedure for constructing a dental bridge involves some alteration to the natural teeth on either side of the gap. In conventional bridgework, a tooth on both sides may need to be filed down so that the new supporting bridge can be securely attached to them. Less destruction of the natural adjacent teeth, may be possible with an adhesive bridge, but these too have their risks and benefits.
We will examine and assess the strength and viability of your existing teeth before discussing dental bridge options with you.
There are two main types of dental bridges: a conventional fixed bridge – as outlined above – or an adhesive bonded bridge which is glued to the rear surface of the tooth at the side of the gap.
A bridge will restore your ability to chew, eat, and drink properly without any pain. In addition, it can maintain the shape and structure of your face, prevent movement of your existing natural teeth and most importantly restore your smile and your confidence.
Whatever treatment you need, our process is easy. Make your start today!
Call us on 0161 494 8621 or request a free consultation online.
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